Hello! My name is Pauline and I am a Canadian-born English, ESL, and Environmental Science Tutor living in beautiful Toronto, Canada.
My parents imigrated to Canada from Poland in the 80's, and had to learn English as a new language, which means they struggled with accents, idioms, and getting by in an English-speaking country as foreigners. They were my inspiration for studying at University and College, reading everything I could, and becoming an English teacher to help others like them!
I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Urban and Environmental Sustainability in 2016, and I received my teaching certificate in 2016.
With my experience as a classroom teacher and as a tutor, I have helped hundreds of students grow their English skills to excel in their studies, in their careers, and even to be able to travel to & move to English-speaking countries!
Join me and learn new skills through online tutoring!