I have been into on line tutoring for the past five years. I have so far taught on 3 different international online portals. I believe that I have the required experience.
To date, I have taught over 300 lessons to students across the globe and 97% of my students believe that I am a good tutor.Need I say more?
By qualification, I am an Associate Chartered Accountant and a Commerce graduate from India. I have worked in five different industries for over 37 years now and that too across 5 different countries. I share a lot of my work experience when I teach my students.Both theory and its application in real life are combined in my teaching.
Several students have been taking lessons from me repeatedly.
I keep my explanation simple and funny!!
In a written lesson, I work out a few steps and then nudge the student gently to work out later steps on his own while I egg him on.
I have done several on line courses -- data visualisation, pivot table, advance Excel, Word and Power point funcitons. I use these learnings extensively when I teach my stuents .
Ranging from Case studies, financial reporting, Activity Based Costing, Capital budgeting to basic topics like bank reconciliaition, preparing journal entries, ledger posting doing and right upto preparation Trial balance, balance sheet and Income statement, are some of my specialities.
Ratio analysis, business performance review by studying 10-k or any Annual Report of a corporate are some of my thelessons hugely liked by many students.
I would like to beleive that I am a good communicator as throughout my education was pursued in English. I write very often in local and international dailies.
I have been a visiting faculty in th local business schools, bes
Pune University
1973 - 1977
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
1977 - 1980
Identity Document
Criminal Record Check
good explanation, Thanks
Great tutor, very helpful and detailed
Excellent tutor, very detailed and easy to understand. He explained every concept and answer all questions
Great tutor!!
Overall amazing, everything was good
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