What It Means To Be Professional
How does Skooli’s licensed teacher platform link benefit the online teaching company’s students?
Habit Makes the Good Student: Why High-Intensity Tutoring Works
About 1% of students are getting intensive, quality tutoring with a professional tutor. Here’s how students benefit from making this habit.
What Makes Good Tutoring? The Benefits of Consistent Interaction
Staff shortages and falling test scores have pushed a lot of schools to use online tutoring. In fact, since the pandemic schools across the country have spent millions of dollars on academic help for students who have fallen behind, with some districts spending as much as $5 million, according to Chalkbeat. And they have found out
ESOL Students and Tutors: An Important Bond
Over 10% of K-12 students aren’t native English speakers, and nearly 13% of kindergarteners fall into this group. How does Skooli online tutoring help?
AI is Coming: Are You Ready?
AI is here, and the challenge is to prepare students and teachers to effectively utilize it while providing individualized support.
Is Your Student College Ready?
It happens more often than you might think: a high-achieving high school student, excited for the next step in education, goes to college…and fails. While we know that college is different from high school in many ways, most of which are intended to be more challenging, it still doesn’t seem to add up. How could
Scaffolding Techniques For Strong Foundation Learning
When building a structure, we build from the ground up. But we have to go further than the ground for a complete structure. Scaffolding, a temporary structure, provides builders with a way to access and work off the ground. What is Scaffolding? In education, the concept of scaffolding is much like the physical version –
The Benefits Of Group Work
Group study – it’s got a lot to offer, but how does it fit with intensive tutoring? At Skooli, our focus is often on 1:1 tutoring. However, we believe that small group tutoring is an important intervention strategy because the group process has many benefits for students. In our 3-tiered approach to instruction, group tutoring
What Are the Benefits of 24-7 Online Tutoring?
Online tutoring is cost-effective, convenient, and allows students to work with educators worldwide. Learn more about the benefits of 24-7 online tutoring.
What are Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 interventions in education?
Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions personalize education, offering specialized support for student success through study groups and one-on-one instruction. Learn more here.